This is a test Villas Website Test Notice to confirm transmission to Brother Bear Lawn Care, DSi and the Villas Board.  NO ACTION REQUIRED.

Nick – your email service should have a way of marking incoming emails from Websites that it is safe and future email/notices should not go to SPAM.  Try googling your email service asking how do I mark future emails/notices as being safe?  Or call their customer support and ask them how to fix the problem?


This is a test Villas Website Test Notice to confirm transmission to Brother Bear Lawn Care, DSi and the Villas Board.  NO ACTION REQUIRED.

Nick – your email service should have a way of marking incoming emails from Websites that it is safe and future email/notices should not go to SPAM.  Try googling your email service asking how do I mark future emails/notices as being safe?  Or call their customer support and ask them how to fix the problem?


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