• Featured, Neighborhood News
    February 7, 2025

    Dear Banbury Meadows Homeowners, Please be advised, ACHD will be performing a Pipe Repair Project under Chipper Way, 250' North of Locust Grove Road, between Monday, 3 March and Friday 7 March.  The location of the construction site is just Northwest of the Golf Course 4th Tee Box running under Chipper Way, as you are [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    October 19, 2024

    REMINDER - 19 October Dear Homeowners, With fall upon us, the ACHD notice/flyer below reminds us all that sweeping, blowing, or flushing dirt, debris, leaves, etc., from residential properties into the street is not permitted.  Doing so not only makes our community unsightly but also clogs our street gutters and storm drains, which can result [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    February 10, 2024

    Dear Homeowners, During our Main HOA's Annual Membership Meeting held in March 2023, the Banbury Meadows Homeowners Association announced the establishment of a community-wide Neighborhood Watch program (NW).  This program is headed up by the program's Area Coordinators, Carol and Ron Grant, homeowners/members of our association.   As you know Neighborhood Watch Programs provide an important [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    July 22, 2023

    R E M I N D E R Homeowners, We need to remind you that each homeowner is required to maintain their trees and shrubs insuring they do not overhang community sidewalks or streets. For safety reasons there must be at least seven (7) feet of clearance above sidewalks and fourteen (14) feet above streets.  Trees, shrubs [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    June 11, 2023

    R E M I N D E R Homeowner's Recreational and Utility Vehicles (Motorhomes, RVu2019s, Campers, Boats, Trailers, etc.) can be temporarily parked on their driveways, or residential streets, for a period not to exceed 72 hours to load, unload and clean the vehicles.  In this regard, please exercise caution when placing power cords or hoses extending [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    February 22, 2023

    Reminder - - in accordance with section 4.1.2 of the CC&Ru2019s, no improvements or landscaping shall be made or placed on an HOA property/lot or remodeled, refinished or modified/altered in any way, which will be visible above ground or will ultimately affect the visibility of any above ground improvement/structure, without the prior review and approval of [read more]

  • Neighborhood News
    April 24, 2022

    R E M I N D E R Dear Homeowners, It has been brought to our attention that some homeowners are walking their dogs/pets in the BanBury Meadows neighborhood without a leash and are failing to clean up after them (sidewalks, streets and lawns of both private properties and our common area). Homeowners are reminded [read more]