Dear Villas Homeowners – UP-DATE, 19 July

Please be advised, Brother Bear Lawn Care (BBLC) has completed the light pruning and plant shaping for our properties on Golf Court, Links Place, and Colchester.

BBLC will return on Tuesday and Wednesday, 25 & 26 July, to complete this service for the properties on Par Court.

Anyone needing follow-up light pruning or plant shaping services, please send BBLC a request with details via our Villas HOA Website Lawn Care and Landscaping request form.

Thank you.

Board of Directors, Villas HOA Bd


*********** 8 July Email Notice ******

Villas Homeowners,

Reminder, please follow the guidance provided in the notice below when identifying plants, bushes, etc., that you do not want BBLC to shape or prune in the coming days.

Please do NOT use our Villas HOA Website (Landscaping Services) to provide your preferences or guidance to BBLC.  The HOA and BBLC do not have the administrative staff needed to monitor our website for this purpose (pruning services) – – we do have 53 homeowners and responding or sharing your personal preferences, via the website, would exceed our ability to manage your personal preferences.  As indicated below, BBLC will exercise their professional opinion/best judgment when performing this pruning service.

Thank you for your consideration and support of this process and the services provided.


Villas HOA Board

 ********* Previous Email Notice ********

Dear Villas Homeowners,

Please be advised, Brother Bear Lawn Care (BBLC) will be performing light pruning and plant shaping between the 11th and 18th of July.  They will also be trimming low-hanging limbs from trees, especially those over sidewalks, driveways, or touching houses.

They will, of course, exercise care when performing this service, however, if you have any special plants that you do not want to be pruned, request you place or tie a note on the specific plant you do NOT want serviced.

Also, our regular lawn care services will resume this week, 11 & 12 July, with mowing, edging, and property clean-up being provided.

Please note, in consideration of the hot and drier weather we are having (and expect to have in the coming weeks) our lawns will be cut to a longer length than normal, approximately 3″ inches.  The longer grass will help reduce the stress these hotter temperatures are having on our lawns.

If you have any questions or need further details please contact our Landscaper (BBLC), or Board of Directors, via the Villas Website ( or by replying to this email notice.

Thank you.

Villas Board of Directors