U P – D A T E #2 – 28 November
Dear Villas Homeowners,
We have just received an update and revised schedule from Murillos concerning our End of Season Landscaping Clean Up and Pruning.
As you all know our Fall leaf drop of Trees and Plants has not cooperated this season and there is still a lot of trees with almost half of their leaves remaining in their canopy.  That said the Board has requested, and Murillo’s has comfirmed, they will be back out this week, starting tomorrow Tuesday through Friday, 29 Nov to the 2nd of December.  They also confirmed they are prepared to return on Saturday, the 3rd of December, and if necessary, continue their work into early next week.
The Board and Murillo’s appreciate your patience and understanding as this end of season service drags on.  We also want to assure you should further delays be encountered, due to slow leaf drop, we do have the option of having Murillo’s come out once that process is completed.
Thank you.
Your Board of Directors
*************** PREVIOUS EMAIL NOTICES ********     
U P – D A T E
Villas Homeowners,
As pointed out in our 18 October Notice below, Murillo’s end of season Lawn Care Schedule could, and has now been, impacted by our Weather Conditions and the Leaf Drop Rate of our plants and trees.
However, due to our colder temperatures this last week the Leaf Drop Rate has excelerated.  Murillo’s are now hopeful they will be able to complete a majority of our end of season pruning and clean up between the 14th and 18th of November.
Please note, should it be necessary Murillo’s is prepared to continue their work into the week of 21 November (or later if required).
We want to thank our homeowners for their patience and understanding as our end of season lawn care services continue.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
********* 18 Oct Notice *******
Dear Villas Homeowners,
The following End of Season Lawn Care Schedule has been provided by Murillo’s Landscaping:
10/20 thru 10/21 – Regular Mow Schedule with Leaf Removal
10/25 thru 10/28 – Leaf Removal & Pruning
10/27 thru 10/28 – Irrigation/Sprinkler System Winterization
10/31 thru 11/4 – Lawn Services provided based on Leaf Drop
                            and Weather
11/10 thru 11/18 – Leaf Removal & Pruning
11/10 thru 11/18 – Final Mow & Winterizer Fertilizer Application
This schedule MAY need to be adjusted, and / or extended until November 30th, should there be a delayed leaf drop or inclement weather conditions occur.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Villas HOA

U P – D A T E #2 – 28 November
Dear Villas Homeowners,
We have just received an update and revised schedule from Murillos concerning our End of Season Landscaping Clean Up and Pruning.
As you all know our Fall leaf drop of Trees and Plants has not cooperated this season and there is still a lot of trees with almost half of their leaves remaining in their canopy.  That said the Board has requested, and Murillo’s has comfirmed, they will be back out this week, starting tomorrow Tuesday through Friday, 29 Nov to the 2nd of December.  They also confirmed they are prepared to return on Saturday, the 3rd of December, and if necessary, continue their work into early next week.
The Board and Murillo’s appreciate your patience and understanding as this end of season service drags on.  We also want to assure you should further delays be encountered, due to slow leaf drop, we do have the option of having Murillo’s come out once that process is completed.
Thank you.
Your Board of Directors
*************** PREVIOUS EMAIL NOTICES ********     
U P – D A T E
Villas Homeowners,
As pointed out in our 18 October Notice below, Murillo’s end of season Lawn Care Schedule could, and has now been, impacted by our Weather Conditions and the Leaf Drop Rate of our plants and trees.
However, due to our colder temperatures this last week the Leaf Drop Rate has excelerated.  Murillo’s are now hopeful they will be able to complete a majority of our end of season pruning and clean up between the 14th and 18th of November.
Please note, should it be necessary Murillo’s is prepared to continue their work into the week of 21 November (or later if required).
We want to thank our homeowners for their patience and understanding as our end of season lawn care services continue.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
********* 18 Oct Notice *******
Dear Villas Homeowners,
The following End of Season Lawn Care Schedule has been provided by Murillo’s Landscaping:
10/20 thru 10/21 – Regular Mow Schedule with Leaf Removal
10/25 thru 10/28 – Leaf Removal & Pruning
10/27 thru 10/28 – Irrigation/Sprinkler System Winterization
10/31 thru 11/4 – Lawn Services provided based on Leaf Drop
                            and Weather
11/10 thru 11/18 – Leaf Removal & Pruning
11/10 thru 11/18 – Final Mow & Winterizer Fertilizer Application
This schedule MAY need to be adjusted, and / or extended until November 30th, should there be a delayed leaf drop or inclement weather conditions occur.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Villas HOA

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