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Villa Homeowners Association
UPDATE – 24 Nov
Dear Villas Homeowners,
The HOA has contracted Brother Bear Lawn Care to perform one additional end-of-season leaf and debris cleanup for our community. Subject to our local weather conditions, this extra service will be completed between Monday, 27 November, and Wednesday, 29 November.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
UPDATE: 21 Nov 23
Please be advised, due to our late fall tree/plant leaf and debris drop we are working with our Villas Landscaper to contract for an additional end-of-season cleanup. We are hopeful to have this scheduled next week (27 Nov). Once the exact date(s) are confirmed you will be advised.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
UPDATE: 12 Nov 23
Dear Villas Homeowners,
For your information and planning, BBLC will complete the second half of their end-of-season pruning and cleanup this next week, 14, 15 & 16 November. That service will include some homes on Colchester Drive and all on Par Court.
Last week they completed their end-of-season cleanup and pruning on Golf Court, the north portion of Colchester, up to and including Links Place.
Please note, that it is becoming apparent (due to the slow leaf drop of a number of trees in the community) that we will need to contract BBLC to perform one additional end-of-season service (cleanup only) sometime in late November or early December. The exact date will be announced once we can determine when a majority of our trees have dropped their leaves.
We appreciate your understanding and patience in this regard as our weather and Mother Nature has given us a slow and unpredictable leaf drop this fall.
Thank you and additional updates will be provided as our end-of-season lawn care services become more clear.
Villas Board of Directors
Villas Homeowners,
Our last HOA Mow Day and Lawn Service took place this last week, 31 Oct & 1 Nov.
Over the next two (2) weeks BBLC will complete their end-of-season leaf and debris cleanup and pruning, 7 & 8 Nov and 14 & 15 Nov. If necessary they will extend these service days to Thursday 9 & 16 Nov of each week. As normal the exact days this service takes place MAY need to be adjusted due to weather conditions.
Homeowners who have plants, bushes, or trees they would like to personally prune may do so and pile their cuttings within their yards, for BBLC removal, on the dates listed above. Should you decide to prune any plants and leave the debris/cuttings for collection, please ensure it is confined to your property and not allowed to migrate into neighboring properties or the street.
Also, due to the fact many of our plants, bushes, and trees in our community have become overgrown, our plan this season will be to be more aggressive in removing plant material than has been done in the past. However, please keep in mind that our landscaper (BBLC) is restricted from removing or pruning any plant or tree material above 15 feet high. This restriction is based on liability/safety issues and the fact that BBLC (like most landscapers) cannot allow their employees to use ladders.
If you have any questions or need further details concerning our end-of-season lawn care services, please contact Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
******** U P – D A T E – 24 Oct 23 ******
Villas Homeowners,
As indicated below adjustments to our Fall Lawn Care Services Schedule have become necessary due to our cooler wet weather and the advanced leaf drop we are experiencing.
As normal this time of year our lawn/grass is entering its dormant stage and therefore growing very little as we continue to get deeper into the Fall Season. As a result, we will reduce the number of times we mow our lawns and also plan to leave the grass longer for the upcoming winter season. However, please note, that there will be a final mow day performed during the week of either 30 October or 6 November.
This week BBLC will focus their time and efforts on cleaning up leaves and misc. debris, edging lawns that require that service, however NOT mow our lawns. Due to the additional time this clean-up effort is taking, BBLC will be working their usual Tuesday and Wednesday Service Days, however, are prepared to return Thursday if needed to complete the job.
BBLC and the Board appreciate your understanding and support of these adjustments and changes to our Fall Lawn Care Services Schedule.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors
********* 11 OCT 23 NOTICE ********
Dear Villas Homeowners,
The Board of Directors and Brother Bear Lawn Care (BBLC) would like to share our plan for the end-of-year Lawn Care Services that will be provided to our homeowners. Those services and estimated dates are provided below:
a) Irrigation shutdown/turn-off – Monday morning, 16 October; please note this is the date our main HOA irrigation pumps will be turned off and irrigation water to the Villas Residential Irrigation Systems will end for the season. This requires NO action by our Villas Homeowners. The Villas Landscaper, BBLC, will visit each property during the week of 23 October to winterize our irrigation systems (this includes blowing out the lines).
b) Last Mow, Edging, and Blow/Debris cleanup days: This will take place on Tuesday, 31 October, and Wednesday, 1 November (half of the Villas Community each day).
c) If required, subject to our weather conditions at the time, an additional Mow & Blow Day MAY be performed during the week of 6 November.
d) The end of Season Pruning and Final Cleanup is scheduled for the week of 13 November. This is of course subject to the rate of our Plant and Tree Leaf Drop at that time – – if the weather conditions are poor or the leaf drop is slow, we may need to delay this service.
e) Please note, prairie or similar grasses will be cut down to about 3 or 4 inches from the ground, and pruning of plants and trees will be performed up to 15 feet high. Any pruning or plant/tree shaping above 15 feet must be contracted independently, at the homeowner’s expense, with a qualified arborist.
The Board and Brother Bear Lawn Care will continue to monitor our weather conditions, and Mother Nature’s Cooperation over the next few weeks, and adjust the above plans accordingly should it be necessary. If it is required we will also send out updated notices to our homeowners.
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000.
Thank you.
Villas Board of Directors