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Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Villas Homeowners,
Your Board of Directors want to thank everyone able to attend the Villas Annual Membership Meeting held on 17 March, and also thank those who submitted Proxies, thereby allowing official business to be conducted during the meeting.
The following key issues were addressed, decided, and/or shared:
- The following Board members were re-elected to serve another two (2) year term: John Boyd, Nancy Harvey, Cheryl Naley, Jeff Hill, and Phil Almeida. The Board will now meet in the next couple of weeks to elect its Board of Officers. Once completed the results of those appointments will be announced.
- The selection of Murillo’s Landscaping as the HOA’s Lawn Care Service provider was discussed and Renee Zahorik, the Owner, made a presentation reviewing her plan to provide our Lawn Care Services for the next three (3) years. She also handed out her annual newsletter, providing this spring’s services schedule, which you can view or download by double-clicking HERE. Renee also announced that they have been able to hire two (2) new employees and will drop most of their separate/private contracts with other homeowners outside of our community. These two factors will allow the Murillo’s team to concentrate more of their time and resources to support the lawn care services of the Villas.
- The Villas Financial Reports were presented and reviewed. It was noted that our Association’s financial health is in excellent shape and our Reserve Account is adequate to handle unforeseen expenditures that may come up in the future.
- The Board reminded attendees that the Villas HOA now has its own Architectural Review Committee (ARC) who reviews all changes or improvements made to the exterior of our homes within the Villas community. This review process is initiated by homeowners when they submit the Villas ARC Application before beginning a project. The ARC form can be found on our Website (banburymeadows.org) or can also be viewed/downloaded by double-clicking HERE. Currently, the Villas Board of Directors also serves as our ARC Committee, however, due to interest shown by homeowners/members at the meeting, the Board has decided to appoint a separate ARC Committee comprising of other homeowners from our community. Once the necessary Committee procedures and guidelines can be established and published, the Board will appoint the members of the new committee and announce that selection when completed.
- The Board announced its decision to move forward with a community improvement project consisting of the installation of Association/Community Signs, with planter enhancements, on the street light poles on the corners of Par Court, Links Place, and Golf Court. An example of the type of signage and planter design that will be used can be viewed by double-clicking here. The Villas sign will be created using our Association Logo (double click HERE to view the logo). The light pole hangers, signs with planters, will be installed once the final design and vendor bid process can be completed. The Board has set aside $800 to $1000 per sign hanger from our Reserve Account to cover this project. The Board has voted and agreed that the cost per sign hanger will NOT exceed $1000 each.
- A proposal/suggestion was made from the floor that the HOA consider having Villas House street numbers painted on the curbs of each residence (within the Villas). A consensus, from the homeowners in attendance, was this initiative would serve to enhance the community’s security and safety by making it easier to find and identify each homeowner’s address, especially delivery and emergency services. Based on the support of this suggestion (expressed during the meeting) the Board will seek bids from appropriate vendors to complete this project. Unless the Board finds that the project would be cost-prohibitive, plans will be made to move forward to complete it as proposed. Members will be informed once a final decision can be made in this regard.
- New Villas HOA Website – the Board reminded homeowners that they now have at their disposal our new Villas HOA Website (banburymeadows.org). The site contains recent notices sent to homeowners and key or pertinent documents and policies about the Association. It also has a restricted section for Villas Homeowners Only, which requires they register or sign up for a “username and password”. Once completed this will gain the homeowner access to our “Landscaping Services” section and Community Directory. Registering will also provide each homeowner direct access and communication with our Lawn Care Provider, Murillo’s.
- End of meeting report/highlights.
Unrelated to our Annual Meeting, the Board also wanted to announce that our Main Irrigation water system will be activated during the week of 11 April. A separate notice will be released in early April with details outlining when Murillo’s will be visiting each property to turn on main valves and test each of our residential irrigation systems, i.e. timers, zone valves, sprinkler heads, drip lines, etc.
The Board would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our homeowners for their support and we look forward to another great year in 2022.
Thank you.
Your Villas Board of Directors