Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
1. Hit & Run Damage caused to the Roundabout / Circle on West Colchester Drive:
Request anyone that may have information concerning the hit & run damage that occurred to the Roundabout / Circle located on W. Colchester Drive (opposite of the 10th Green) contact Development Services, Brenda Hines at Tel # 208-939-6000 or email at Brenda@dev-services.com. This incident took place between Monday evening, 7 December and early morning, Tuesday, 8 December.
Sometime during this period a vehicle (most likely a truck) drove up over the curb and onto the Roundabout / Circle knocking down one tree and then drove around the island damaging a second tree, which will have to be removed in the near future. The estimated cost to remove and replace these trees will be approximately $1500.00.
A report was filed with the Eagle City Police Department and they have requested anyone with information about this accident contact them at Tel # 208-938-2260.
Your assistance in this regard would be appreciated
Thank you.
2. HOA seeking a Volunteer to serve as Treasurer on the Banbury Meadows 2016 Board of Directors:
Your HOA is looking for a qualified Accountant or current/former Budget Officer to serve as a volunteer on the 2016 Board of Directors.
Are you or do you know of someone within the community that has an Accounting background or has served as a Budget Officer in the past? If you do, and that person would be willing to serve as the HOA Treasurer and member of the Board, please contact Development Services, Brenda Hines, at Tel # 208-939-6000 or by email at Brenda@dev-services.com.
This is a key position on the board requiring a specific skill set. The Board of Directors and your Association would greatly appreciate it if a member of our community would step forward and volunteer to fill this critical position.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA
1. Hit & Run Damage caused to the Roundabout / Circle on West Colchester Drive:
Request anyone that may have information concerning the hit & run damage that occurred to the Roundabout / Circle located on W. Colchester Drive (opposite of the 10th Green) contact Development Services, Brenda Hines at Tel # 208-939-6000 or email at Brenda@dev-services.com. This incident took place between Monday evening, 7 December and early morning, Tuesday, 8 December.
Sometime during this period a vehicle (most likely a truck) drove up over the curb and onto the Roundabout / Circle knocking down one tree and then drove around the island damaging a second tree, which will have to be removed in the near future. The estimated cost to remove and replace these trees will be approximately $1500.00.
A report was filed with the Eagle City Police Department and they have requested anyone with information about this accident contact them at Tel # 208-938-2260.
Your assistance in this regard would be appreciated
Thank you.
2. HOA seeking a Volunteer to serve as Treasurer on the Banbury Meadows 2016 Board of Directors:
Your HOA is looking for a qualified Accountant or current/former Budget Officer to serve as a volunteer on the 2016 Board of Directors.
Are you or do you know of someone within the community that has an Accounting background or has served as a Budget Officer in the past? If you do, and that person would be willing to serve as the HOA Treasurer and member of the Board, please contact Development Services, Brenda Hines, at Tel # 208-939-6000 or by email at Brenda@dev-services.com.
This is a key position on the board requiring a specific skill set. The Board of Directors and your Association would greatly appreciate it if a member of our community would step forward and volunteer to fill this critical position.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA
Explore Our Community
Main HOA