
The main irrigation line has been repaired and HOA Pumps are operational, irrigation water service has been restored.

Board of Directors

******************Previous Notice *****

Dear Homeowners,

Please be advised, the HOA’s Irrigation System has been shutdown, today 20 April, due to a leak discovered in one of our main lines.

Repairs are being made and you will be advised once he system is back up and running.

Thank you.

Board of Directors, BBM HOA



The main irrigation line has been repaired and HOA Pumps are operational, irrigation water service has been restored.

Board of Directors

******************Previous Notice *****

Dear Homeowners,

Please be advised, the HOA’s Irrigation System has been shutdown, today 20 April, due to a leak discovered in one of our main lines.

Repairs are being made and you will be advised once he system is back up and running.

Thank you.

Board of Directors, BBM HOA

Explore Our Community
Main HOA

Villa Homeowners Association