Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
UP-DATE / As of: 12:00 Noon, 23 May
Repairs have been made to the HOA Pump Station and irrigation water pressure is back to normal.
Thank you.
UP – DATE / As of: 11:45 AM, 22 May
We have learned that our primary irrigation pump station may have been hit by lightning last night damaging its electrical power panel.
The HOA has submitted an urgent request to our Pump Company asking that repairs be made as soon as possible, however, due to the number of urgent calls the pump company has had today (due to the storm and power outage that occurred last night) it may be a couple of days before the repairs can be made.
During this outage, our irrigation water pressure will be very low to none at all (depending on your location within our community).
We apologize for the inconvenience this outage has/will cause and are doing everything we can to have the repairs made and our irrigation system operating as soon as possible.
Thank you and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this problem.
Board of Directors, BBM HOA
********* ORIGINAL NOTICE *******
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, the Banbury Meadows Main Irrigation System is not operating due to the community-wide power outage that occurred last night.
Efforts are underway to restart the Main Pumps/Irrigation System as soon as possible.
You will be advised once the irrigation system is back up and runinng normally.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
UP-DATE / As of: 12:00 Noon, 23 May
Repairs have been made to the HOA Pump Station and irrigation water pressure is back to normal.
Thank you.
UP – DATE / As of: 11:45 AM, 22 May
We have learned that our primary irrigation pump station may have been hit by lightning last night damaging its electrical power panel.
The HOA has submitted an urgent request to our Pump Company asking that repairs be made as soon as possible, however, due to the number of urgent calls the pump company has had today (due to the storm and power outage that occurred last night) it may be a couple of days before the repairs can be made.
During this outage, our irrigation water pressure will be very low to none at all (depending on your location within our community).
We apologize for the inconvenience this outage has/will cause and are doing everything we can to have the repairs made and our irrigation system operating as soon as possible.
Thank you and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this problem.
Board of Directors, BBM HOA
********* ORIGINAL NOTICE *******
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, the Banbury Meadows Main Irrigation System is not operating due to the community-wide power outage that occurred last night.
Efforts are underway to restart the Main Pumps/Irrigation System as soon as possible.
You will be advised once the irrigation system is back up and runinng normally.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Explore Our Community
Main HOA