UPDATE – 10 APR 24


Please note and be advised, that our main HOA Irrigation Pumps will be turned on/activated tomorrow, Thursday, 11 April for testing and flushing out of the main lines and system.

We expect this process (activation & testing) to take a few days to complete, therefore you should plan on using your residential irrigation systems starting on Monday, 15 April.

If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at jean@dev-services.com

Thank you.

Board of Directors

 ********** PREVIOUS NOTICE ********

Dear Homeowners,

Our Main HOA Irrigation System will be activated during the week of 15 April, subject to the weather conditions at that time.  Once the system is fully operational a confirmation notice will be issued. 

Please note, it is normal for your main irrigation filter, and sprinkler heads, to collect debris and sometimes become clogged during the first few weeks of operation.  Although during the activation process, the HOA will have flushed out our main irrigation lines, some algae and other unwanted material may continue to flow through those lines.

If you have any questions or need additional details concerning this notice, please contact DSI, Jean Cariaga by email at jean@dev-services.com.

Thank you.

Board of Directors

UPDATE – 10 APR 24


Please note and be advised, that our main HOA Irrigation Pumps will be turned on/activated tomorrow, Thursday, 11 April for testing and flushing out of the main lines and system.

We expect this process (activation & testing) to take a few days to complete, therefore you should plan on using your residential irrigation systems starting on Monday, 15 April.

If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at jean@dev-services.com

Thank you.

Board of Directors

 ********** PREVIOUS NOTICE ********

Dear Homeowners,

Our Main HOA Irrigation System will be activated during the week of 15 April, subject to the weather conditions at that time.  Once the system is fully operational a confirmation notice will be issued. 

Please note, it is normal for your main irrigation filter, and sprinkler heads, to collect debris and sometimes become clogged during the first few weeks of operation.  Although during the activation process, the HOA will have flushed out our main irrigation lines, some algae and other unwanted material may continue to flow through those lines.

If you have any questions or need additional details concerning this notice, please contact DSI, Jean Cariaga by email at jean@dev-services.com.

Thank you.

Board of Directors

Explore Our Community
Main HOA

Villa Homeowners Association