Dear Villas Homeowners,

Please be advised, the Villas HOA Board of Directors have decided to further postpone our VILLAS Annual General Membership Meeting (normally held in March).  This decision was based (in part) on the Main HOA’s announcement to delay their Annual Meeting to 27 October 2021.

“SAVE THE DATE” – – Your Villas Board of Directors are please to announce that our Villas Annual General Membership Meeting is now tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 20 October 2021.  The meeting will be held at the Banbury Meadows Golf Clubhouse starting at 5:30 PM.  Reminder Notices, and additional details/information, will be sent to you in the months leading up to this event.

Should you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manger, Jean Cariaga at DSI, tel# 208-939-6000 or email

Thank you.

Board of Directors

The Villas at Banbury Meadows


Dear Villas Homeowners,

The Villas Board of Directors met on Wednesday, 10 February, to discuss our Association’s plans for this Spring’s General Membership Meeting normally held each year in late March.

Due to Covid 19, and the current restrictions concerning in person gatherings, the Villas Board of Directors (like the Main HOA Board, see their Notice below) have decided it is best to also “postpone” our Annual Meeting to the May or June timeframe.

For your planning, and as traditionally done, the Villas Board also decided to schedule that meeting 7 to 10 days prior to the Main HOA Meeting (once that date is established).

When these dates and meeting plans are finalized (April timeframe) we will send you a notice with those details along with the usual pertinent information and documentation, i.e. Agenda, etc.).

FOR OUR NEW HOMEOWNERS: please keep in mind, the Banbury Meadows Community has two separate Homeowner’s Associations and Board of Directors.  Although we (Villas Homeowners) are members of both HOA’s the Villas Annual Membership Meeting is held separately and prior to the Main HOA’s Meeting to review and discuss Villas business and related issues.

As required by our bylaws & CC&R’s, The Villas 2020 Financial Reports and 2021 Budget will be sent to our members via mail within the next couple of weeks.

Should you have any questions or need further details concerting this notice, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, Tel# 208-939-6000 or email or you can contact the Board of Directors via email:

Thank you.

Your Villas Board of Directors


Dear Homeowners,

Due to Covid 19, and the current restrictions in place concerning in person gatherings, the Board of Directors have decided to “postpone” our Annual General Membership Meeting traditionally held at the end of March.

This decision was made after lengthy and thorough discussions based on the information available from the Idaho Department of Health and the Governor’s Office.

Please note this is a postponement and not a cancellation.  The Board will reassess the situation at our monthly meetings to be held in March and April.   However, based on the recent reports showing improvements in the overall Covid cases and restrictions, we are hopeful that our Annual Meeting can be held in either May or June 2021.

 As is required the Association’s annual financial reports for 2020 and the 2021 Budget will be sent to our homeowners via mail in the next week or two.

The Board will provide updates to this plan in the coming weeks and assuming the Annual Meeting can be held in May or June a formal announcement will be issued by the middle of April.

If you have any questions or need further details in this regard, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, Tel #208-939-6000 or via email;

Thank you.

Board of Directors

Dear Villas Homeowners,

Please be advised, the Villas HOA Board of Directors have decided to further postpone our VILLAS Annual General Membership Meeting (normally held in March).  This decision was based (in part) on the Main HOA’s announcement to delay their Annual Meeting to 27 October 2021.

“SAVE THE DATE” – – Your Villas Board of Directors are please to announce that our Villas Annual General Membership Meeting is now tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 20 October 2021.  The meeting will be held at the Banbury Meadows Golf Clubhouse starting at 5:30 PM.  Reminder Notices, and additional details/information, will be sent to you in the months leading up to this event.

Should you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manger, Jean Cariaga at DSI, tel# 208-939-6000 or email

Thank you.

Board of Directors

The Villas at Banbury Meadows


Dear Villas Homeowners,

The Villas Board of Directors met on Wednesday, 10 February, to discuss our Association’s plans for this Spring’s General Membership Meeting normally held each year in late March.

Due to Covid 19, and the current restrictions concerning in person gatherings, the Villas Board of Directors (like the Main HOA Board, see their Notice below) have decided it is best to also “postpone” our Annual Meeting to the May or June timeframe.

For your planning, and as traditionally done, the Villas Board also decided to schedule that meeting 7 to 10 days prior to the Main HOA Meeting (once that date is established).

When these dates and meeting plans are finalized (April timeframe) we will send you a notice with those details along with the usual pertinent information and documentation, i.e. Agenda, etc.).

FOR OUR NEW HOMEOWNERS: please keep in mind, the Banbury Meadows Community has two separate Homeowner’s Associations and Board of Directors.  Although we (Villas Homeowners) are members of both HOA’s the Villas Annual Membership Meeting is held separately and prior to the Main HOA’s Meeting to review and discuss Villas business and related issues.

As required by our bylaws & CC&R’s, The Villas 2020 Financial Reports and 2021 Budget will be sent to our members via mail within the next couple of weeks.

Should you have any questions or need further details concerting this notice, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, Tel# 208-939-6000 or email or you can contact the Board of Directors via email:

Thank you.

Your Villas Board of Directors


Dear Homeowners,

Due to Covid 19, and the current restrictions in place concerning in person gatherings, the Board of Directors have decided to “postpone” our Annual General Membership Meeting traditionally held at the end of March.

This decision was made after lengthy and thorough discussions based on the information available from the Idaho Department of Health and the Governor’s Office.

Please note this is a postponement and not a cancellation.  The Board will reassess the situation at our monthly meetings to be held in March and April.   However, based on the recent reports showing improvements in the overall Covid cases and restrictions, we are hopeful that our Annual Meeting can be held in either May or June 2021.

 As is required the Association’s annual financial reports for 2020 and the 2021 Budget will be sent to our homeowners via mail in the next week or two.

The Board will provide updates to this plan in the coming weeks and assuming the Annual Meeting can be held in May or June a formal announcement will be issued by the middle of April.

If you have any questions or need further details in this regard, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, Tel #208-939-6000 or via email;

Thank you.

Board of Directors

Explore Our Community
Main HOA

Villa Homeowners Association