Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Please be advised, the repairs to our Pumps have been completed quicker than expected and the Irrigation System is back up and running at full capacity.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
We regret this short/delayed notice, however, our Main HOA Pumps and Irrigation System are temporarily down due to maintenance.
We expect the repairs to be made and the system will be back up and running by 5 PM today, 28 June.
Thank you.
Board of Directors, BBM HOA
Please be advised, the repairs to our Pumps have been completed quicker than expected and the Irrigation System is back up and running at full capacity.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
We regret this short/delayed notice, however, our Main HOA Pumps and Irrigation System are temporarily down due to maintenance.
We expect the repairs to be made and the system will be back up and running by 5 PM today, 28 June.
Thank you.
Board of Directors, BBM HOA
Explore Our Community
Main HOA