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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
U P – D A T E
Repairs have been made to Pump Station # 4 and our water pressure has stabilized at approx 60 PSI. However, due to the recent rain the electrical repairs cannot be made to station # 2 until a later date (which will be done as soon as possible) The remaining pumps should be able to maintain our minimum goal of 60 PSI.
Should you be experiencing low irrigation water pressure please contact our Association Manager, Brenda Hines, at Ph # 208-939-6000 or by email at brenda@dev-services.com.
Thank you.
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, our irrigation water pressure is currently low due to pump problems at stations #2 & #4. Our HOA Landscaper and pump company are addressing the problems and hope to have the issues resolved today or tomorrow.
Homeowners will be informed once the pump issues have been corrected and the water pressure is restored to normal levels.
Thank you.
U P – D A T E
Repairs have been made to Pump Station # 4 and our water pressure has stabilized at approx 60 PSI. However, due to the recent rain the electrical repairs cannot be made to station # 2 until a later date (which will be done as soon as possible) The remaining pumps should be able to maintain our minimum goal of 60 PSI.
Should you be experiencing low irrigation water pressure please contact our Association Manager, Brenda Hines, at Ph # 208-939-6000 or by email at brenda@dev-services.com.
Thank you.
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, our irrigation water pressure is currently low due to pump problems at stations #2 & #4. Our HOA Landscaper and pump company are addressing the problems and hope to have the issues resolved today or tomorrow.
Homeowners will be informed once the pump issues have been corrected and the water pressure is restored to normal levels.
Thank you.
Explore Our Community
Main HOA