Dear Villas Homeowners,

For your information, please note that Brother Bear Lawn Care (BBLC) has experienced significant staffing and operational issues over the last few days.

Last Friday BBLC lost one of their key team members due to the employee’s Mother being admitted to the hospital.  As a result, the owner/manager of BBLC, Nick Hanson, had to step in and replace the employee and take on their duties.  This has taken Nick away from his regular supervisory and special management responsibilities.

To compound the problem, on Saturday two members of the BBLC Team were involved in a workplace car accident, resulting in their primary truck and equipment trailer being severely damaged. The two employees in the truck were injured, however, they are expected to return to work sometime this week.

We are sharing this information with you to let you know the Lawn Care Services provided by BBLC this next week MAY experience staffing shortages and not be up to their usual high standard.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Villas HOA Board of Directors 

Dear Villas Homeowners,

For your information, please note that Brother Bear Lawn Care (BBLC) has experienced significant staffing and operational issues over the last few days.

Last Friday BBLC lost one of their key team members due to the employee’s Mother being admitted to the hospital.  As a result, the owner/manager of BBLC, Nick Hanson, had to step in and replace the employee and take on their duties.  This has taken Nick away from his regular supervisory and special management responsibilities.

To compound the problem, on Saturday two members of the BBLC Team were involved in a workplace car accident, resulting in their primary truck and equipment trailer being severely damaged. The two employees in the truck were injured, however, they are expected to return to work sometime this week.

We are sharing this information with you to let you know the Lawn Care Services provided by BBLC this next week MAY experience staffing shortages and not be up to their usual high standard.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Villas HOA Board of Directors 

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