Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
For some time now both the Banbury Meadows Homeowners Association and Golf Course have been experiencing a significant increase in the number of trespassers (people from outside our community) accessing private property within our community. That includes the entire Golf Course and our HOA Waterway and Stream located off of Chipper Way and the Stream Outlet running from the point Whiff / Colchester meet towards the Golf Course (13th and 14th Fairways) and the Boise River.
Over the last few months, this activity has become a larger problem as the number of people found fishing our Community Waterways and Strolling the Golf Course during the day and evening hours, has increased dramatically. This unauthorized access poses both a legal issue (trespassing on private property), a safety hazard, and potentially a liability to both the HOA and Golf Course.
Most recently, on the banks of our HOA Waterway, one of our homeowners had some people fishing along their backyard (private property) and damaged plants and property. Furthermore, while fishing, those same trespassers snagged the homeowner’s dog in the face and ear with a three-barbed hook and departed the area without reporting the incident to the homeowner. This required the homeowner to take the dog to a local emergency veterinarian hospital for treatment and removal of the fishing lure.
To reduce this unauthorized activity the Homeowners Association and Golf Course need to request your help. We, therefore, ask that you report any sightings of people fishing our Community Waterways or Strolling (walking their dogs, etc.) on the Golf Course as follows:
1. Anyone observed fishing the Banks of the HOA Waterways:
Contact the Eagle Police Non-Emergency Dispatcher at 208-377-6790 or send an email (with a photo of the trespasser’s vehicle & license plate) to: Det Wright, email: justinwright@adacounty.id.gov
2. Anyone observed fishing the Golf Course waterways or non-Golfers strolling the course (between 8 AM and 8 PM):
Contact the Golf Course Clubhouse Office: 208-939-3600. For observations made after 8 PM, please contact the Eagle PD Non-Emergency Dispatcher listed above.
Reminder – – homeowners are urged to not confront anyone they suspect of trespassing in our community, it is more effective and safer to contact the local police or golf course main office listed above.
Homeowners are also reminded they are not permitted/authorized to grant permission to anyone to have access to or fish within our Community Waterways or Common Areas. It should be noted while confronting previous Trespassers while fishing within our community, some have claimed they were given permission by one of our HOA Homeowners to do so – – this is NOT permitted or authorized. Doing so could render the homeowner liable for any damages caused by the trespasser.
Please note, although the HOA has no jurisdiction or authority concerning access to or restrictions within the Golf Course, the association is working with their management and sharing their contact information and reporting procedures as a courtesy to our members as we address this common community problem and issue.
The Association and Banbury Golf Course Management would like to thank our entire community for their help and support in this regard.
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, Development Service, Tel # 208-939-6000.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
For some time now both the Banbury Meadows Homeowners Association and Golf Course have been experiencing a significant increase in the number of trespassers (people from outside our community) accessing private property within our community. That includes the entire Golf Course and our HOA Waterway and Stream located off of Chipper Way and the Stream Outlet running from the point Whiff / Colchester meet towards the Golf Course (13th and 14th Fairways) and the Boise River.
Over the last few months, this activity has become a larger problem as the number of people found fishing our Community Waterways and Strolling the Golf Course during the day and evening hours, has increased dramatically. This unauthorized access poses both a legal issue (trespassing on private property), a safety hazard, and potentially a liability to both the HOA and Golf Course.
Most recently, on the banks of our HOA Waterway, one of our homeowners had some people fishing along their backyard (private property) and damaged plants and property. Furthermore, while fishing, those same trespassers snagged the homeowner’s dog in the face and ear with a three-barbed hook and departed the area without reporting the incident to the homeowner. This required the homeowner to take the dog to a local emergency veterinarian hospital for treatment and removal of the fishing lure.
To reduce this unauthorized activity the Homeowners Association and Golf Course need to request your help. We, therefore, ask that you report any sightings of people fishing our Community Waterways or Strolling (walking their dogs, etc.) on the Golf Course as follows:
1. Anyone observed fishing the Banks of the HOA Waterways:
Contact the Eagle Police Non-Emergency Dispatcher at 208-377-6790 or send an email (with a photo of the trespasser’s vehicle & license plate) to: Det Wright, email: justinwright@adacounty.id.gov
2. Anyone observed fishing the Golf Course waterways or non-Golfers strolling the course (between 8 AM and 8 PM):
Contact the Golf Course Clubhouse Office: 208-939-3600. For observations made after 8 PM, please contact the Eagle PD Non-Emergency Dispatcher listed above.
Reminder – – homeowners are urged to not confront anyone they suspect of trespassing in our community, it is more effective and safer to contact the local police or golf course main office listed above.
Homeowners are also reminded they are not permitted/authorized to grant permission to anyone to have access to or fish within our Community Waterways or Common Areas. It should be noted while confronting previous Trespassers while fishing within our community, some have claimed they were given permission by one of our HOA Homeowners to do so – – this is NOT permitted or authorized. Doing so could render the homeowner liable for any damages caused by the trespasser.
Please note, although the HOA has no jurisdiction or authority concerning access to or restrictions within the Golf Course, the association is working with their management and sharing their contact information and reporting procedures as a courtesy to our members as we address this common community problem and issue.
The Association and Banbury Golf Course Management would like to thank our entire community for their help and support in this regard.
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, Development Service, Tel # 208-939-6000.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Explore Our Community
Main HOA