Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
We occasionally receive complaints of trees, shrubs and trash cans that are encroaching on the pedestrian walkways. Please check the sidewalk in front of your house and trim back any low branches and overgrown shrubs. Republic Trash Co. has asked that trash cans be placed in the street against the curb on the opposite side of the driveway from the mailboxes. The walkers and postal delivery will greatly appreciate it.
We occasionally receive complaints of trees, shrubs and trash cans that are encroaching on the pedestrian walkways. Please check the sidewalk in front of your house and trim back any low branches and overgrown shrubs. Republic Trash Co. has asked that trash cans be placed in the street against the curb on the opposite side of the driveway from the mailboxes. The walkers and postal delivery will greatly appreciate it.
Explore Our Community
Main HOA