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Villa Homeowners Association
Please be advised that the repairs to our irrigation system has been completed and normal irrigation pressure restored.
Should you continue to experience low water pressure please send a report with details as outlined below.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
We are working on a low irrigation water pressure problem that came up over the weekend. After some inspections and testing it was found that one of our pump stations had reduced water pressure and a temporary fix was found late yesterday afternoon.
Our pump company has been contacted and they will be out today to make repairs or adjustments as needed. We expect the problem will be resolved sometime today, however we could still experience some fluctuation in pressure while those repairs are being made.
We will continue to monitor the situation and let you know once the repairs are completed and our irrigation pressure is back to normal.
As a reminder, you can report irrigation issues/problems (during normal working hours) by contacting our DSI Association Manager, Brenda Hines, 208-939-6000 or brenda@dev-services.com or you can use the “Contact Us” feature in the upper right corner of our HOA Website – http://www.banburymeadows.org. The website also contains information and guidance how to report emergency irrigation problems such as leaks, etc.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Please be advised that the repairs to our irrigation system has been completed and normal irrigation pressure restored.
Should you continue to experience low water pressure please send a report with details as outlined below.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
We are working on a low irrigation water pressure problem that came up over the weekend. After some inspections and testing it was found that one of our pump stations had reduced water pressure and a temporary fix was found late yesterday afternoon.
Our pump company has been contacted and they will be out today to make repairs or adjustments as needed. We expect the problem will be resolved sometime today, however we could still experience some fluctuation in pressure while those repairs are being made.
We will continue to monitor the situation and let you know once the repairs are completed and our irrigation pressure is back to normal.
As a reminder, you can report irrigation issues/problems (during normal working hours) by contacting our DSI Association Manager, Brenda Hines, 208-939-6000 or brenda@dev-services.com or you can use the “Contact Us” feature in the upper right corner of our HOA Website – http://www.banburymeadows.org. The website also contains information and guidance how to report emergency irrigation problems such as leaks, etc.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Explore Our Community
Main HOA