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Villa Homeowners Association
UPDATE – 4:30 PM, 17 July 24
We are pleased to inform you that the repairs to Pump Station #4 have been completed and that station is now operating normally and at full capacity.
Now that all four (4) of our pump stations are fully operational our irrigation water pressure has returned to normal levels.
Please note, even though our irrigation system is back to normal, and during our current very hot weather conditions, we strongly encourage you to continue to follow the Voluntary Odd/Even watering schedule announced below. Keep in mind that our community irrigation system was never designed to support a majority of our homeowners (320 total) at the same time. In the event you should now experience less-than-ideal water pressure levels, please vary your watering time in an attempt to find a period when there is less demand on the system.
Thank you again for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time.
Board of Directors
UPDATE – 1:00 PM, 17 July 24
Dear Homeowners,
Today the repairs to Pump Station #4 are continuing, with the installation of a new pump nearly completed. The power panel for this station, along with the installation of a new pump controller, is being rewired which will require the complete shutdown of this station. As a result, there will be a significant temporary reduction in our already low water pressure, however, we are hopeful that these repairs will be completed by the end of the day.
Once these ongoing repairs are completed you will be informed at which time we can expect a significant improvement to our irrigation water pressure.
Thank you for your continued support, patience, and understanding as these repairs are being made.
Board of Directors
UPDATE – 11:00 AM, 15 July 24
Our pump company has informed us that they expect to receive the necessary parts and equipment to repair one of our primary pumps by Wednesday, 17 July. If all goes well they hope to have the new pump installed and operational by Thursday, 18 July. Once these repairs are made we expect to see a significant improvement to our irrigation water pressure. We will keep you informed and provide more details as we learn more.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we address this challenging problem.
Board of Directors
Previous Notice
Dear Homeowners,
Given the current issues the Association is having with our low irrigation water pressure, and after consideration of our available options to resolve this issue, the Board has decided to implement a TEMPORARY and VOLUNTARY residential watering schedule. This schedule will be effective immediately and will run until repairs can be made to our Irrigation Pump System and our unusually hot weather conditions subside and return to a more manageable temperature.
The Association/DSI will not attempt to police or enforce this schedule and instead request each homeowner TEMPORARILY AND VOLUNTARILY adjust their watering schedule as outlined below to allow all of our homeowners to have access to sufficient water pressure needed to irrigate their lawns.
The Board regrets having to take this action, however, due to the unforeseen failure of some of our irrigation equipment, and a temporary reduction of some of our available irrigation water resources, we must take these extraordinary steps to provide the best irrigation water pressure possible to our homeowners.
The temporary watering schedule is provided below:
1. If your address ends in an even number (i.e. 66 Oakhampton) then you should water on even days (2nd, 4th, etc.) of the month.
2. If your street address ends in an odd number (i.e. 1519 Oakhampton) you should then water on odd days (13th, 15th, etc.) of the month.
This schedule will be in effect until repairs can be made to our pump system and we get some relief from our current extremely hot weather. We are hopeful that this schedule will only be in place for about two weeks.
Another notice will be issued once we can discontinue this watering schedule.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we work our way through this challenging time.
Your Board of Directors
UPDATE – 4:30 PM, 17 July 24
We are pleased to inform you that the repairs to Pump Station #4 have been completed and that station is now operating normally and at full capacity.
Now that all four (4) of our pump stations are fully operational our irrigation water pressure has returned to normal levels.
Please note, even though our irrigation system is back to normal, and during our current very hot weather conditions, we strongly encourage you to continue to follow the Voluntary Odd/Even watering schedule announced below. Keep in mind that our community irrigation system was never designed to support a majority of our homeowners (320 total) at the same time. In the event you should now experience less-than-ideal water pressure levels, please vary your watering time in an attempt to find a period when there is less demand on the system.
Thank you again for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time.
Board of Directors
UPDATE – 1:00 PM, 17 July 24
Dear Homeowners,
Today the repairs to Pump Station #4 are continuing, with the installation of a new pump nearly completed. The power panel for this station, along with the installation of a new pump controller, is being rewired which will require the complete shutdown of this station. As a result, there will be a significant temporary reduction in our already low water pressure, however, we are hopeful that these repairs will be completed by the end of the day.
Once these ongoing repairs are completed you will be informed at which time we can expect a significant improvement to our irrigation water pressure.
Thank you for your continued support, patience, and understanding as these repairs are being made.
Board of Directors
UPDATE – 11:00 AM, 15 July 24
Our pump company has informed us that they expect to receive the necessary parts and equipment to repair one of our primary pumps by Wednesday, 17 July. If all goes well they hope to have the new pump installed and operational by Thursday, 18 July. Once these repairs are made we expect to see a significant improvement to our irrigation water pressure. We will keep you informed and provide more details as we learn more.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we address this challenging problem.
Board of Directors
Previous Notice
Dear Homeowners,
Given the current issues the Association is having with our low irrigation water pressure, and after consideration of our available options to resolve this issue, the Board has decided to implement a TEMPORARY and VOLUNTARY residential watering schedule. This schedule will be effective immediately and will run until repairs can be made to our Irrigation Pump System and our unusually hot weather conditions subside and return to a more manageable temperature.
The Association/DSI will not attempt to police or enforce this schedule and instead request each homeowner TEMPORARILY AND VOLUNTARILY adjust their watering schedule as outlined below to allow all of our homeowners to have access to sufficient water pressure needed to irrigate their lawns.
The Board regrets having to take this action, however, due to the unforeseen failure of some of our irrigation equipment, and a temporary reduction of some of our available irrigation water resources, we must take these extraordinary steps to provide the best irrigation water pressure possible to our homeowners.
The temporary watering schedule is provided below:
1. If your address ends in an even number (i.e. 66 Oakhampton) then you should water on even days (2nd, 4th, etc.) of the month.
2. If your street address ends in an odd number (i.e. 1519 Oakhampton) you should then water on odd days (13th, 15th, etc.) of the month.
This schedule will be in effect until repairs can be made to our pump system and we get some relief from our current extremely hot weather. We are hopeful that this schedule will only be in place for about two weeks.
Another notice will be issued once we can discontinue this watering schedule.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we work our way through this challenging time.
Your Board of Directors
Explore Our Community
Main HOA