Explore Our Community
Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
This winter has been an exceptional season so far in regard to the cold temperatures and the amount of snow/ice accumulation on the streets and in our neighborhood. This has presented a number of challenges and inconvenience to us all in regard to vehicular movements.
In this regard our HOA Management Company, Development Services Inc. (DSI) has received a number of calls from our members concerning the condition of our public streets (snow accumulation). We want to remind you that it is the responsibility of the Ada County Highway Department (ACHD) to maintain all public roads and streets (including snow removal). The Board of Directors has reached out to ACHD concerning this issue and was advised that, due to limited resources, they do not remove snow from residential/secondary streets. You should also be aware that in past years ACHD has never provided snow removal services to Banbury Meadows or our neighboring communities.
Recently ACHD announced individual community subdivisions can obtain the services of a commercial snow removing company to have their streets cleared. This requires the community/commercial vendor to apply for a permit from ACHD that includes accepting certain liabilities concerning any damage that may be done to the streets while this service is being provided.
Based on the information above, the Board of Directors contacted a commercial snow removing company asking for a bid to clear our streets. The initial bid/estimate was very expensive and would take a couple of days to accomplish, i.e. clearing and removing the snow, clearing snow from curbs and driveway entrances (so access and parking is not impeded, etc.). Removing the snow would also pose a challenge for the HOA as we would need to find a sizable collection point for the snow to be relocated that would not block vehicle movements or access. After careful consideration the Board has decided, at this time, to NOT enter into a commercial contract to remove or clear the snow from our streets.
It should also be noted that the Board has contracted a firm to remove the snow, on an as needed basis, from our sidewalks located at the main entrances and those bordering HOA common areas. The sidewalks and driveways on or adjacent to individual properties continue to be the responsibility of each homeowner. In this regard, should you have a need or desire to personally contract snow removal services you can contact the HOAu2019s vendor, Tim Strand, at 208-559-8941 or email: fixittim@mail.com. We have found Timu2019s rates reasonable and he does excellent work (individual contracts with Mr. Strand will be at the homeowneru2019s expense and not connected to the HOA). HOA members can also use other commercial snow removal services if they wish.
The Board and DSI understand the challenges this yearu2019s snow and ice accumulation on our streets poses to our homeowners. We encourage everyone to drive carefully at reduced speeds and be especially cautious when approaching oncoming traffic.
If you have any questions or need further information or details concerning this matter, please contact Brenda Hines, our DSI Association Manager at (208) 939-6000 or brenda@dev-services.com.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year!
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA
Dear Homeowners,
This winter has been an exceptional season so far in regard to the cold temperatures and the amount of snow/ice accumulation on the streets and in our neighborhood. This has presented a number of challenges and inconvenience to us all in regard to vehicular movements.
In this regard our HOA Management Company, Development Services Inc. (DSI) has received a number of calls from our members concerning the condition of our public streets (snow accumulation). We want to remind you that it is the responsibility of the Ada County Highway Department (ACHD) to maintain all public roads and streets (including snow removal). The Board of Directors has reached out to ACHD concerning this issue and was advised that, due to limited resources, they do not remove snow from residential/secondary streets. You should also be aware that in past years ACHD has never provided snow removal services to Banbury Meadows or our neighboring communities.
Recently ACHD announced individual community subdivisions can obtain the services of a commercial snow removing company to have their streets cleared. This requires the community/commercial vendor to apply for a permit from ACHD that includes accepting certain liabilities concerning any damage that may be done to the streets while this service is being provided.
Based on the information above, the Board of Directors contacted a commercial snow removing company asking for a bid to clear our streets. The initial bid/estimate was very expensive and would take a couple of days to accomplish, i.e. clearing and removing the snow, clearing snow from curbs and driveway entrances (so access and parking is not impeded, etc.). Removing the snow would also pose a challenge for the HOA as we would need to find a sizable collection point for the snow to be relocated that would not block vehicle movements or access. After careful consideration the Board has decided, at this time, to NOT enter into a commercial contract to remove or clear the snow from our streets.
It should also be noted that the Board has contracted a firm to remove the snow, on an as needed basis, from our sidewalks located at the main entrances and those bordering HOA common areas. The sidewalks and driveways on or adjacent to individual properties continue to be the responsibility of each homeowner. In this regard, should you have a need or desire to personally contract snow removal services you can contact the HOAu2019s vendor, Tim Strand, at 208-559-8941 or email: fixittim@mail.com. We have found Timu2019s rates reasonable and he does excellent work (individual contracts with Mr. Strand will be at the homeowneru2019s expense and not connected to the HOA). HOA members can also use other commercial snow removal services if they wish.
The Board and DSI understand the challenges this yearu2019s snow and ice accumulation on our streets poses to our homeowners. We encourage everyone to drive carefully at reduced speeds and be especially cautious when approaching oncoming traffic.
If you have any questions or need further information or details concerning this matter, please contact Brenda Hines, our DSI Association Manager at (208) 939-6000 or brenda@dev-services.com.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year!
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA
Explore Our Community
Main HOA