U P  –  D A T E

Dear Homeowners,

We want to provide you an up-date to our recent issue with low irrigation water pressure here in the BBM HOA community.  

As some of you have reported our irrigation water pressure has been fluctuating over the last few days and we have found that there were two problems:  

1) there was a technical problem with one of the pump electronic controllers and 

2) some of our main pump filters, as well as a few of our homeowners filters, had become clogged with a black sticky substance (we believe to be Algae – – tests are ongoing).

The technical problem has been repaired and the pumps are now operating at full capacity and the water pressure has been restored to normal levels.  

As for the black muck in our system, our experts believe that it is an algae that has been introduced from one of our water sources, the Boise River.  Some of this and other types of Algae is normal and present in rivers and streams, however the sudden increase in the amount we have found is being attributed to the recent hot weather and high temperatures.  That said our water treatment company is analyzing what treatment they can introduce to our irrigation system that will correct/combat this problem, while being eco-friendly/safe and not harm grasses, plants or animals.  That assessment will be completed over the next few days and a safe treatment will be introduced into our irrigation system.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work our way through these issues and hope to have them resolved soon.

Thank you.

Board of Directors

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Dear Homeowners,

Today we have received a few reports indicating that some properties were experiencing low irrigation water pressure.

As a result our landscaper did check all of our pump stations and found one was operating below its normal capacity.  That problem has been corrected and all pumps are now fully operational.

Should you still be experiencing low irrigation pressure request you double check your main and micro filters within your system.  If those prove to be clean and operating properly please contact our Association Manager, Brenda Hines at DSI, Tel #208-939-6000 or brenda@dev-services.com.

Thank you.

Board of Directors