
The Sheriff’s Office has provided the attached updated version of their “Cop’s Guide to Preventing Burglaries”.  Suggest you open the document (by double clicking HERE) and print a copy for your future reference and use.

Thank you.

Board of Directors

***************************** PREVIOUS NOTICE **************

Dear Homeowners,

The Board has been informed that a Burglary at one of our residences on W. Whiff Drive occurred early this morning.  The culprit(s) entered the garage through a door left partially open over night.  Earlier this morning neighbors reported seeing a car driving slowly down the street, which may have been related to this break-in.  The local police have been notified and are working the case.

In this regard, and as a matter of routine security, the Board of Directors would like to share with you a helpful and informative Security Guide provided by the Eagle Police Department (to download the guide double click here).  This guide outlines many helpful hints for homeowners to enhance the security of their home and our community.   Recommend you print a copy of this guide and retain it for future reference and use.

Also, please be aware, recently we have had reports of suspicious vehicles roaming our community and parking for short periods of time during the day & night.  Request you be vigilant in this regard and report any suspicious activity to the local Eagle Police Department.

If you have any questions or need further details concerning this notice or Security Guide, please contact Development Services (DSI), Jean Cariaga, at (208) 939-6000 or by email jean@dev-services.com

Thank you.

Board of Directors



The Sheriff’s Office has provided the attached updated version of their “Cop’s Guide to Preventing Burglaries”.  Suggest you open the document (by double clicking HERE) and print a copy for your future reference and use.

Thank you.

Board of Directors

***************************** PREVIOUS NOTICE **************

Dear Homeowners,

The Board has been informed that a Burglary at one of our residences on W. Whiff Drive occurred early this morning.  The culprit(s) entered the garage through a door left partially open over night.  Earlier this morning neighbors reported seeing a car driving slowly down the street, which may have been related to this break-in.  The local police have been notified and are working the case.

In this regard, and as a matter of routine security, the Board of Directors would like to share with you a helpful and informative Security Guide provided by the Eagle Police Department (to download the guide double click here).  This guide outlines many helpful hints for homeowners to enhance the security of their home and our community.   Recommend you print a copy of this guide and retain it for future reference and use.

Also, please be aware, recently we have had reports of suspicious vehicles roaming our community and parking for short periods of time during the day & night.  Request you be vigilant in this regard and report any suspicious activity to the local Eagle Police Department.

If you have any questions or need further details concerning this notice or Security Guide, please contact Development Services (DSI), Jean Cariaga, at (208) 939-6000 or by email jean@dev-services.com

Thank you.

Board of Directors

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