Dear Homeonwers,

For your information, the Board of Directors have had several inquiries from our homeowners concerning the repainting of the Fire Hydrants within our community.  The Board acknowledges the Fire Hydrants are in need of maintenance and repainting as they have (in many cases) become unsightly and do not reflect the pride our Assocation has in the appearance of our community.

Based on this assessement the Board sent a formal request to the owners of the Fire Hydrants, Veolia Water of Idaho, asking that our Association be permitted to repaint the Fire Hydrants.  Veolia’s reply, which is attached, was unfortunately negative and advised us we are not allowed to repaint or maintain the Fire Hydrants (double click HERE to view Veolia’s letter).

The good news, and we are hopeful this will become a reality, Violia also stated they will move the repainting of our Fire Hydrants up their maintenance schedule and make it a higher priority.

Although we do not have an exact timeframe for this maintenance to take place, we want to assure our homeowers we will continue to monitor Veolia’s commitment to complete this work as soon as possible.

We will keep you informed as to any progress made in this regard.

Board of Directors