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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
– R E M I N D E R –
Dear Villas Homeowners,
The Board of Directors are pleased to announce the release of our new Villas HOA Website. This site replaces the previous Villas Website which was discontinued by Google about two (2) years ago (that site was created using a Google Database).
Our new site is part of the Main Banbury Meadows HOA Website and can be found in the bottom section of their Homepage at the following web link:
Once you open that Homepage Link the Villas Section, along with our site’s information Tabs (in the left column), can be accessed by “double clicking ” the tabs which will redirect you to Villas HOA Information and related documents, e.g. Irrigation Status, News/Notices, Homeowners Information, Villas ARC Application Form, Exterior House Painting and other pertinent policies, etc.
The Villas Website and Information Tabs, on the left of the page, do not require a password for access as the information is non-sensitive and open to the public. There are however two password protected Tabs that require you to first Register and Login, as a Villas Homeowner, before they will appear on our homepage and access can be granted. Those two protected tabs are: 1) Lawn Care & Landscaping and 2) Homeowners Directory.
At the bottom of the “Villas Homeowners Association” section is the “Villas Login/Register” option. Double clicking on the “Login” tab below will take you to our “Registration and Login” page (on the right). If you are a new “USER” to this site (which most of you will be) click on the highlighted “fill out this registration form” at the top of the page, complete and submit the form, once done you will be provided a “Username and Password” by separate email. After receiving the email return to the Login page and enter the Username and Password at the bottom of the page. Then return to the left column of the Villas Homepage and you will see the two new tabs mentioned above.
Once you have had a chance to use and review the Villas Website, the Board would appreciate receiving your feedback and comments concerning your experience, e.g. ease of use, is the information provided useful, are there other details you would like to see included in the site, etc.
As with any new website, it may initially prove to be a challenge to some of our Homeowners. Should you experience any difficulty navigating the site please contact us at the following email address and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have; Villas HOA Board: villashoabbm@gmail.com
Thank you.
Board of Directors
The Villas HOA Bd, BBM