
The Villas Board of Directors have had several inquires from our members asking if we were aware of any companies or individuals that might be available to provide private residential snow removal services.

In this regard the following contact information is provided for a former employee of Murillo’s Landscaping, Edgar Sanchez, who is now working independently, and offers snow removal services (on a private contract basis):

Please note, our Board and The Villas HOA cannot officially endorse the use of any service provider (not under contract by the HOA), this vender and the above information is provided ONLY as a community service.
Furthermore, for your information and in response to questions about the HOA’s Policy concerning snow removal from Villas properties; both the Main and Villas HOA strongly encourage homeowners to remove snow from their sidewalks and driveways as a matter of safety for you and your neighbors and to also maintain the appearance of our community.  You should also be aware that Eagle City Ordinance, 4-1-3, Abatable Nuisances, requires all sidewalks abutting or adjoining any privately owned premises to be clear of snow and ice.  Failure to do so is subject to local city officials issuing uniform violations and citations.
It is also recommended that homeowners who plan to be out of town during the Winter Snow Season consider engaging the services of a private company or individual to perform snow removal during their absence.
The Board and our Association appreciate your efforts in maintaining the safety and appearance of The Villas Community.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
The Villas HOA


The Villas Board of Directors have had several inquires from our members asking if we were aware of any companies or individuals that might be available to provide private residential snow removal services.

In this regard the following contact information is provided for a former employee of Murillo’s Landscaping, Edgar Sanchez, who is now working independently, and offers snow removal services (on a private contract basis):

Please note, our Board and The Villas HOA cannot officially endorse the use of any service provider (not under contract by the HOA), this vender and the above information is provided ONLY as a community service.
Furthermore, for your information and in response to questions about the HOA’s Policy concerning snow removal from Villas properties; both the Main and Villas HOA strongly encourage homeowners to remove snow from their sidewalks and driveways as a matter of safety for you and your neighbors and to also maintain the appearance of our community.  You should also be aware that Eagle City Ordinance, 4-1-3, Abatable Nuisances, requires all sidewalks abutting or adjoining any privately owned premises to be clear of snow and ice.  Failure to do so is subject to local city officials issuing uniform violations and citations.
It is also recommended that homeowners who plan to be out of town during the Winter Snow Season consider engaging the services of a private company or individual to perform snow removal during their absence.
The Board and our Association appreciate your efforts in maintaining the safety and appearance of The Villas Community.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
The Villas HOA

Explore Our Community
Main HOA

Villa Homeowners Association