A coyote has been spotted in our neighborhood and reportedly killed a domestic cat.  US Fish and Wildlife Services suggest that harassing the coyote may be the best way to get it to move on.   Please keep an eye on your small animals.

A coyote has been spotted in our neighborhood and reportedly killed a domestic cat.  US Fish and Wildlife Services suggest that harassing the coyote may be the best way to get it to move on.   Please keep an eye on your small animals.

A coyote has been spotted in our neighborhood and reportedly killed a domestic cat.  US Fish and Wildlife Services suggest that harassing the coyote may be the best way to get it to move on.   Please keep an eye on your small animals.

A coyote has been spotted in our neighborhood and reportedly killed a domestic cat.  US Fish and Wildlife Services suggest that harassing the coyote may be the best way to get it to move on.   Please keep an eye on your small animals.

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