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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
The Board of Directors would like to share with you a helpful and informative Security Guide provided by the Eagle Police Department (to download the guide, please double click here). This guide outlines many helpful hints for homeowners to enhance the security of their home and community. Recommend you print a copy of this guide and retain it for future reference and use.
The board is also happy to announce that tentative plans have been made to invite a representative from the Eagle Police Department to give a brief home security briefing at our next General Membership Meeting scheduled for March. The date for this meeting will be announced soon and it will be held at the Banbury Golf Club Restaurant.
If you have any questions or need further details concerning this notice or Security Guide, please contact Development Services (DSI), Brenda Hines, at (208) 939-6000 or by email brenda@dev-services.com
Thank you.