
The HOA and Board of Directors supports the display of the flag of the United States, State of Idaho, POW/MIA and branches of the U.S.. Armed Forces and other flags by Homeowners.  However, a policy is necessary to ensure the flags are displayed in a proper, respectful and consistent manner.

To achieve this objective the Board has created and approved the attached Policy governing the display of Flags within our community.  For the most part this policy restates the guidelines set-forth in both United States and Idaho State Code.  Homeowners are encouraged to become familiar with the attached Policy and both of the referenced Federal and State Codes when considering the display of flags within our neighborhood.

The HOA Policy governing the display of Flags can be viewed or downloaded by double clicking HERE.

If you have any questions concerning this policy, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, Ph# 208-939-6000 or email – jean@dev-services.com.

Thank you.

Board of Directors