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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
U P D A T E – 8 J U N E
Please be advised, the repairs to our Main Irrigation System, and replacement of the pump mentioned below, has been completed.
Our main irrigation water pressure has been restored.
If you are experiencing water pressure issues, please respond to this notice or use the “Contact Us” button located in the upper right corner of this page.
Thank you.
Board of Directors
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, one of our main irrigation pumps has failed and its replacement has been scheduled. The work necessary to make the repairs, and replace the pump, will be completed by approximately Friday, 10 June.
During these repairs you may experience a fluctuation or reduced irrigation water pressure, especailly during high demand periods. If you do find your water pressure is low we recommend you try watering during the evening or early morning hours.
The Board appreciates your understanding and support during this time.
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000 or via email: jean@dev-services.com.
Thank you.
Board of Diectors