Policy / Procedure:

The Banbury Meadows Homeowners Association has its own irrigation system.  We own the main pumps, lines and valves.  However, the homeowner’s irrigation system begins on their side of the HOA main line and valve (buried deep underground) which can be found in the back corner of each lot.

What to do in an emergency when a leak is discovered in the HOA irrigation system:

  1. During normal business hours please call Development Services, Inc. (DSI) 208-939-6000 and describe the problem and circumstances.  Upon their discretion, they will dispatch someone to look at the leak and call Aloha Landscaping if deemed appropriate.  Unless your yard is being significantly damaged, we urge you to wait until normal business hours to contact DSI and report the leak.
  1. If possible, determine if the leak is in the HOA system/main line or on your side of the main valve.  If you find that the leak is in the HOA system, and after normal business hours, you may call Aloha at (208) 322-9069.  Should you determine that the leak is within your irrigation system you can:  (1) Make repairs yourself, (2) Call your own landscaper, or (3) contact Aloha Landscaping and they will make the necessary repairs at your/homeowner’s expense.
  1. Aloha Landscaping provides 24/7 emergency services and will dispatch a technician to evaluate and fix urgent irrigation problems.
  1. Billing for repairs made: Once Aloha arrives onsite, they will confirm if the leak is coming from the HOA main irrigation system or from the homeowner.  If the leak is determined to be within the HOA system, they will send the bill to DSI.  However, if the leak is found to be within the homeowner’s system Aloha will bill them directly for the cost of the repairs and service call.

Also, it is recommended that you turn off your system as soon as a leak is discovered.  DSI or Aloha Landscaping will know how best to handle the problem and there will be no cost to you unless the leak is determined to be within your/homeowner’s irrigation system.

Thank you.

Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA


Policy / Procedure:

The Banbury Meadows Homeowners Association has its own irrigation system.  We own the main pumps, lines and valves.  However, the homeowner’s irrigation system begins on their side of the HOA main line and valve (buried deep underground) which can be found in the back corner of each lot.

What to do in an emergency when a leak is discovered in the HOA irrigation system:

  1. During normal business hours please call Development Services, Inc. (DSI) 208-939-6000 and describe the problem and circumstances.  Upon their discretion, they will dispatch someone to look at the leak and call Aloha Landscaping if deemed appropriate.  Unless your yard is being significantly damaged, we urge you to wait until normal business hours to contact DSI and report the leak.
  1. If possible, determine if the leak is in the HOA system/main line or on your side of the main valve.  If you find that the leak is in the HOA system, and after normal business hours, you may call Aloha at (208) 322-9069.  Should you determine that the leak is within your irrigation system you can:  (1) Make repairs yourself, (2) Call your own landscaper, or (3) contact Aloha Landscaping and they will make the necessary repairs at your/homeowner’s expense.
  1. Aloha Landscaping provides 24/7 emergency services and will dispatch a technician to evaluate and fix urgent irrigation problems.
  1. Billing for repairs made: Once Aloha arrives onsite, they will confirm if the leak is coming from the HOA main irrigation system or from the homeowner.  If the leak is determined to be within the HOA system, they will send the bill to DSI.  However, if the leak is found to be within the homeowner’s system Aloha will bill them directly for the cost of the repairs and service call.

Also, it is recommended that you turn off your system as soon as a leak is discovered.  DSI or Aloha Landscaping will know how best to handle the problem and there will be no cost to you unless the leak is determined to be within your/homeowner’s irrigation system.

Thank you.

Board of Directors
Banbury Meadows HOA

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