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Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
To follow-up our previous email announcing that the 25 October Eagle City Council Meeting would be addressing the Lakemoor Commercial Development (and if you were unable to attend) we invite your attention to the Eagle City’s Website (http://www.cityofeagle.org/index.asp?SEC=B713B968-F6F6-490B-A198-0931596E2882&Type=NONE)?. Once you reach the site select “Watch City Meetings Live” and click on the 25 October Council Meeting video button to view/listen to the proceedings. You can also click HERE to access the link directly. The meeting includes a presentation by the Hawkins Company who is the developer of the commercial property, and also includes comments made by homeowners/members of the community in attendance. For your information and use we have attached a Site Map of the proposed development which can be viewed and downloaded by clicking HERE.
If you have any questions concerning this development please contact the Eagle City Planning and Zoning Department at 208-939-0227
We hope this information is helpful to those homeowners interested in learning more about the Lakemoor Commercial Development.
Thank you.