
Today (9 July) we have received several reports from homeowners indicating they are experiencing low irrigation water pressure.

Please be advised, we have just checked each of our four (4) irrigation pump stations and all are operating at full capacity with normal water pressure.

As a reminder, anyone having low irrigation water pressure should check their main residential filter and individual sprinkler head filters to determine if those filters are clear.

It should also be noted, due to the very dry weather and high temperatures we are experiencing, the demand for irrigation water is very high. As a result, based on the fact our four (4) irrigation pump stations can only support 25% to 30% of our residents at the same time (a total of 320), it is strongly recommended that you adjust the time you water each day in an effort to find that sweet spot when demand is lower.

Thank you and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Board of Directors, BBM HOA