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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
In past years the Banbury Golf Course has experienced, by a few people, vandalism and damages as the result of excessive celebrations and the use of fireworks (within golf course property) during the July 4th Holiday Period.
The Golf Course has asked that we advise our homeowners (as well as visitors to our community), that this year the Banbury Golf Course will be conducting periodic Security Patrols throughout the holidays. Homeowners (and others) are cautioned that any cases of vandalism, setting off of fireworks, or celebrating on Golf Course property will be referred to local law enforcement officials for appropriate action and persecution.
We ask and encourage everyone, within our community (as well as visitors), to be respectful of the Golf Course’s Private Property and be safe while celebrating and enjoying the 4th of July Holidays.
Thank you.
Board of Directors, BBM