R E M I N D E R – 2 NOVEMBER 2024

Villas Homeowners,

Please note that BBLC will begin their end-of-season clean-up and light pruning on Monday, 4 November.  They will start on Par Court and work their way to Colchester Drive, Links Place, and Golf Court over the following days.

Should you have any special service requests please communicate those details via our Villas Landscaping Services page on our Website.

In addition, Nick Hanson has indicated that his team will knock on each homeowner’s door before completing their service at each property to ask if the homeowner has any special issues or requests.

If you have any questions or need further details please reply to this email notice or contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000.

Thank you.

Villas Board of Directors

NOTE – The Board understands that there may be a need for a 2nd clean-up later in the month, or early December, to address an anticipated late leaf drop.  More details to follow.

************  Previsou Notice *********

Dear Villas Homeowners,

The following timeline is provided for Brother Bear Lawn Care End of Season Services:

1.  Irrigation Shutdown/Turn Off – 24 October

2.  Final end-of-year Weekly Lawn Mow, Edging and Clean Up – 22 & 23 October

3.  Sprinkler System Blow Out & Service – Starts 24 October until completed

4.  Fertilizer Application – 22 & 23 October

5.  Final End of Season Clean-Up & Light Pruning – 4 to 11 November

Note – These dates are all subject to weather conditions at the time of the planned services and the rate of tree/plant leaf drop.

Homeowners having specific concerns or requests must communicate those details to BBLC, DSI, and the HOA via our Website Landscaping Services Portal located at the following link:   banburymeadows.org.  If you do not have a current USERNAME or PASSWORD for access to the Villas Landscaping Tab on this site, please contact the Board at:  villashoabbm@gmail.com.

Thank you.

Villas Board of Directors

R E M I N D E R – 2 NOVEMBER 2024

Villas Homeowners,

Please note that BBLC will begin their end-of-season clean-up and light pruning on Monday, 4 November.  They will start on Par Court and work their way to Colchester Drive, Links Place, and Golf Court over the following days.

Should you have any special service requests please communicate those details via our Villas Landscaping Services page on our Website.

In addition, Nick Hanson has indicated that his team will knock on each homeowner’s door before completing their service at each property to ask if the homeowner has any special issues or requests.

If you have any questions or need further details please reply to this email notice or contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000.

Thank you.

Villas Board of Directors

NOTE – The Board understands that there may be a need for a 2nd clean-up later in the month, or early December, to address an anticipated late leaf drop.  More details to follow.

************  Previsou Notice *********

Dear Villas Homeowners,

The following timeline is provided for Brother Bear Lawn Care End of Season Services:

1.  Irrigation Shutdown/Turn Off – 24 October

2.  Final end-of-year Weekly Lawn Mow, Edging and Clean Up – 22 & 23 October

3.  Sprinkler System Blow Out & Service – Starts 24 October until completed

4.  Fertilizer Application – 22 & 23 October

5.  Final End of Season Clean-Up & Light Pruning – 4 to 11 November

Note – These dates are all subject to weather conditions at the time of the planned services and the rate of tree/plant leaf drop.

Homeowners having specific concerns or requests must communicate those details to BBLC, DSI, and the HOA via our Website Landscaping Services Portal located at the following link:   banburymeadows.org.  If you do not have a current USERNAME or PASSWORD for access to the Villas Landscaping Tab on this site, please contact the Board at:  villashoabbm@gmail.com.

Thank you.

Villas Board of Directors

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