Up-date – – – 

Due to scheduling conflicts the Food Truck / Food Services have been cancelled.
Note – Based on a request from the community, and on a trial basis, the Board has approved the opereation of a Food Truck (Chow Bunga) on Saturday in our neighborhood.  Although the Board/HOA is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse, the sales of this food service, its presence and operation has been approved as a community service.  A copy of the food service menu can be viewed by clicking HERE.
The Food Truck will be open during the lunch period,  11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and will be located on Oakhampton, just West of Mary Post (see map by clicking HERE).
Anyone using this service is requested to be mindful of our community by properly disposing of their trash.
Thank you!

Dear Homeowners,

Our Fall Community Wide Garage/Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, 25 September, from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Each homeowner is responsible for their own sale.  This sale is normally well attended and a good way to clean out those garages and closets.  

Homeowners are reminded not to display items on sidewalks or along street curbs.

This event will be advertised through the use of banners at our main entrances to Banbury Meadows and an announcement will be posted on Craig’s List.

COVID 19 – Homeowners are encouraged to follow ID State, County & City health & safety requirements in place at the time of this event.

If you have any questions or need more information in this regard, please contact Jean Cariaga, our Association Manager at DSI, Tel# 208-939-6000 or by email at jean@dev-services.com.

Board of Directors



Up-date – – – 

Due to scheduling conflicts the Food Truck / Food Services have been cancelled.
Note – Based on a request from the community, and on a trial basis, the Board has approved the opereation of a Food Truck (Chow Bunga) on Saturday in our neighborhood.  Although the Board/HOA is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse, the sales of this food service, its presence and operation has been approved as a community service.  A copy of the food service menu can be viewed by clicking HERE.
The Food Truck will be open during the lunch period,  11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and will be located on Oakhampton, just West of Mary Post (see map by clicking HERE).
Anyone using this service is requested to be mindful of our community by properly disposing of their trash.
Thank you!

Dear Homeowners,

Our Fall Community Wide Garage/Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, 25 September, from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Each homeowner is responsible for their own sale.  This sale is normally well attended and a good way to clean out those garages and closets.  

Homeowners are reminded not to display items on sidewalks or along street curbs.

This event will be advertised through the use of banners at our main entrances to Banbury Meadows and an announcement will be posted on Craig’s List.

COVID 19 – Homeowners are encouraged to follow ID State, County & City health & safety requirements in place at the time of this event.

If you have any questions or need more information in this regard, please contact Jean Cariaga, our Association Manager at DSI, Tel# 208-939-6000 or by email at jean@dev-services.com.

Board of Directors


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Main HOA

Villa Homeowners Association