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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Dear Homeowners,
For your information and planning, the BBM HOA has contracted the Pruning and Trimming of our Waterway and Stream Banks (located in the Chipper Way and Whiff/Colchester area, during the week of 19 June.
Homeowners living on the Waterway or Stream are reminded that our contractors/workers will most likely need to access the waterway banks via residential properties that border those areas.
Furthermore, any homeowner that would like to have the waterway/stream banks pruned/trimmed at any time (along their property line), must do so under a separate contract and at their expense. This can be done ONLY after submitting the required HOA Application and signing the License Agreement contained in the attached HOA Policy. You can view or print the Policy and License by clicking here; POLICY and LICENSE AGREEMENT. Homeowners are NOT permitted to personally prune. trim or maintain the Stream or Waterway Banks at any time.
If you have any questions or need further details please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, DSI, at 208-939-6000.
Thank you.
Board of Directors, BBM HOA