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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
R E M I N D E R – TODAY, AT 5:30 PM
Dear Homeowners,
Please be advised, and mark your calendars, the Main HOA’s Annual General Membership Meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday, 30 March 2020 at the Banbury Golf Course Clubhouse. The meeting will start at 5:30 PM with an icebreaker followed by the meeting at 6:00 PM.
A formal announcement/notice will be sent to each homeowner via mail/post prior to the event.
Please note this “In-Person” meeting will be held subject to ADA County and State Covid guidelines and restrictions concerning “In-Person” gatherings at the time of the meeting. As required, additional updates and meeting details will be provided in the weeks leading up to this event.
If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our Association Manager, Jean Cariaga, Development Services, at 208-939-6000 or jean@dev-services.com.
Thank you.
Board of Directors