We can see that most homeowners are adhering to Allied Wasteu2019s request to put trash receptacles in the street along with wheels against the curb, nice job!  Now, however we have had a request from the Post Office to inform you that you must not obstruct the mail carrieru2019s access to drive-up to the mailboxes.  Therefore, please make sure that your trash receptacles are placed on the opposite side of your driveway, away from the mailboxes.

We can see that most homeowners are adhering to Allied Waste’s request to put trash receptacles in the street along with wheels against the curb, nice job!  Now, however we have had a request from the Post Office to inform you that you must not obstruct the mail carrier’s access to drive-up to the mailboxes.  Therefore, please make sure that your trash receptacles are placed on the opposite side of your driveway, away from the mailboxes.