Summertime means family fun and lots of travel. It also puts a stress on homeowner relations. Please consider these basic summer-time items from our CCR’s:
Glass is not recycled at our curb. You can recycle glass at the recycling center at Glenwood and Cole.
While you’re getting ready to enjoy summer in beautiful Idaho, please remember our neighborhood guidelines. Our CC&Rs say NO boats, campers or trailers on any property at any time. As you clean your boat or camper before or after a trip, please keep the time it is in your driveway to a minimum.
Under no circumstances are visiting campers allowed to park overnight in driveways or on the street.
Remember if you want to have ANY sports equipment (hot tubs, permanent or temporary basketball hoops, volley ball nets, trampolines or swing sets) above 5 feet, you must apply to the Architectural Review Committee for an exception. (See ARC form under public documents.)
The golf course reminds you not to walk or ride bikes on the golf course. Also there is no fishing in any of the golf course ponds. If you have golf carts driving through your property, please report them to the golf course immediately. (A few strategically positioned bushes might deter the traffic.)
As you plan your summer planting remember Banbury Meadows requires every outside air conditioning unit to be screened. Approved screening is a wall matching the house or 4 foot evergreens on the street side and golf course sides. Homes on corner lots with exposed units should conceal their unit on the front and side. If the unit has been placed on a cement slab, the wall may be the only solution, but the screening must be done. No home has an exemption to this.