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Main HOA
Villa Homeowners Association
Here are the results of the Board Meeting, topics & discussions.
• Board discussed the cost ($1500) and necessity of an annual audit of our financial books. DSI to research and advise us of the procedure required to amend our Bylaws.
• Met with representatives of Browning Reserve Group to review first draft of Reserve Study. A decision was made to re-run the report after the first of the year based on funding the Reserve account with the excess money remaining in the Operating account at year end.
• First draft of 2011 Budget was reviewed and decision made to finalize after we have the numbers from the completed Reserve Study.
• Long on-going discussion about basketball hoops and how to enforce the CC&R’s on this issue. Since all of the permanent structures and about half of the portable structures received ARC approval in the past, the Board feels like a precedent was set and it’s impossible to undo. Therefore, the Board ruled to allow ARC approved portable hoops to remain in the open all year in a specific pre-approved location and property owners who fail to request ARC approval for placement of either permanent or portable basketball hoops are to be notified of the violation and advised a pending fine for noncompliance.
• Plans have been submitted by the Developer to ACHD to correct the drainage issue on Chipper Way. The repair is tentatively scheduled for January 2011.
• The Board is still trying to find a way to enforce CC&R infractions against renters in distressed properties, i.e., renters with trailers in their yards. The Board agrees that fining the owner and filing a lien against the property is a waste of time and money because we will never recoup any of this if the property is foreclosed upon. Our management company representative agreed to talk with other agents in her office to see if any of the other subdivisions they represent have come up with a solution.
• Entrance Landscape Committee – Julie Bowman and Lee Piccone have both volunteered to join the committee and a meeting will be scheduled for early January.
• Landscape Maintenance Bids – Four bids were reviewed and discussed and the Board voted to award the contract again to Stone Landscaping.
• Welcoming Committee – Darlene Graham and Susan Martello have agreed to take over the welcoming committee duties from Annette Hall.
• Social Committee and Website – The Board agreed to budget $250 yr. for the Social Committee’s expenses and Floyd Ayers volunteered to get some training on website maintenance to make it more user friendly.
• Treasurer’s Report:
o Operating Money Market Account $95,573.45
o Operating Checking Account 2,458.75
o Reserve Account Balance 11/30/10 39,116.82
Treasurer noted that we are significantly “under budget” for 2010. It was agreed that once the books are closed for 2010, the majority of the balance in the Operating Money Market account will be transferred to the Reserve Account.
Here are the results of the Board Meeting, topics & discussions.
• Board discussed the cost ($1500) and necessity of an annual audit of our financial books. DSI to research and advise us of the procedure required to amend our Bylaws.
• Met with representatives of Browning Reserve Group to review first draft of Reserve Study. A decision was made to re-run the report after the first of the year based on funding the Reserve account with the excess money remaining in the Operating account at year end.
• First draft of 2011 Budget was reviewed and decision made to finalize after we have the numbers from the completed Reserve Study.
• Long on-going discussion about basketball hoops and how to enforce the CC&R’s on this issue. Since all of the permanent structures and about half of the portable structures received ARC approval in the past, the Board feels like a precedent was set and it’s impossible to undo. Therefore, the Board ruled to allow ARC approved portable hoops to remain in the open all year in a specific pre-approved location and property owners who fail to request ARC approval for placement of either permanent or portable basketball hoops are to be notified of the violation and advised a pending fine for noncompliance.
• Plans have been submitted by the Developer to ACHD to correct the drainage issue on Chipper Way. The repair is tentatively scheduled for January 2011.
• The Board is still trying to find a way to enforce CC&R infractions against renters in distressed properties, i.e., renters with trailers in their yards. The Board agrees that fining the owner and filing a lien against the property is a waste of time and money because we will never recoup any of this if the property is foreclosed upon. Our management company representative agreed to talk with other agents in her office to see if any of the other subdivisions they represent have come up with a solution.
• Entrance Landscape Committee – Julie Bowman and Lee Piccone have both volunteered to join the committee and a meeting will be scheduled for early January.
• Landscape Maintenance Bids – Four bids were reviewed and discussed and the Board voted to award the contract again to Stone Landscaping.
• Welcoming Committee – Darlene Graham and Susan Martello have agreed to take over the welcoming committee duties from Annette Hall.
• Social Committee and Website – The Board agreed to budget $250 yr. for the Social Committee’s expenses and Floyd Ayers volunteered to get some training on website maintenance to make it more user friendly.
• Treasurer’s Report:
o Operating Money Market Account $95,573.45
o Operating Checking Account 2,458.75
o Reserve Account Balance 11/30/10 39,116.82
Treasurer noted that we are significantly “under budget” for 2010. It was agreed that once the books are closed for 2010, the majority of the balance in the Operating Money Market account will be transferred to the Reserve Account.
Explore Our Community
Main HOA