The neighborhood Italian Pasta dinner at Louie’s was terrific.

Nearly 40 Banbury Meadows friends gathered together on Saturday, October 17 at Louie’s Italian Restaurant in Meridian.  Guests relaxed and socialized in the beautiful, private banquet room. 

Robin and John did an amazing job as our servers, keeping us well fed with food coming nonstop to our tables.  Louie and Margaret Mallane (residents of Banbury Meadows and owners of Louie’s) generously expanded our menu by adding a large variety of pizzas and an extra entrée.  John entertained us with his singing and we all chimed in when he sang "That’s Amoure." 

Those of you who attended and those who could not, we look forward to seeing you at our next social event.  Please look at Upcoming Events on the Banbury Meadows website in the future for date and details.