The new board met for the first time together April 14.  New officers were elected, a landscape design company was selected to begin working on updating the landscaping at the entrances, requests from homeowners to the Architectural Review Committee were approved and Development Services reported on some neighborhood issues.

The board members elected at the annual meeting met together for the first time April 14.  The first order of business was election of officers.  Robere Kazadi was elected President, Suzanne Craig Vice President, Trish Trader Secretary and Lyle Capstick will serve as Treasurer.  Terry Bowman is the board member-at-large meaning he will oversee special projects.

The Land Group was selected as the landscape design company to work with some volunteer homeowners to give the entrances a facelift.  That group will begin meeting next week.

Several of the five members of the Architectural Review Committee will not continue next year.  The board approved two new names for the committee.

There have been a number of cars parked overnight on the street in the neighborhood which is against the CC&Rs (and the City of Eagle regulations).  Development Services will send letters reminding homeowners to park in their driveways or garages overnight.

Usually the board will meet the second Monday of the month at 7 pm at the sales office; next month the meeting will be the third Monday, May 19.

The new board met for the first time together April 14.  New officers were elected, a landscape design company was selected to begin working on updating the landscaping at the entrances, requests from homeowners to the Architectural Review Committee were approved and Development Services reported on some neighborhood issues.

The board members elected at the annual meeting met together for the first time April 14.  The first order of business was election of officers.  Robere Kazadi was elected President, Suzanne Craig Vice President, Trish Trader Secretary and Lyle Capstick will serve as Treasurer.  Terry Bowman is the board member-at-large meaning he will oversee special projects.

The Land Group was selected as the landscape design company to work with some volunteer homeowners to give the entrances a facelift.  That group will begin meeting next week.

Several of the five members of the Architectural Review Committee will not continue next year.  The board approved two new names for the committee.

There have been a number of cars parked overnight on the street in the neighborhood which is against the CC&Rs (and the City of Eagle regulations).  Development Services will send letters reminding homeowners to park in their driveways or garages overnight.

Usually the board will meet the second Monday of the month at 7 pm at the sales office; next month the meeting will be the third Monday, May 19.

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