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Villa Homeowners Association
Key Issues at recent Board Meetings:
u00b7 Erosion of banks and poison hemlock growing around HOA pond – After much discussion and a meeting at the site with a USDA representative who did not think the erosion was much of a problem unless boats are continued to be dragged over the banks into the pond, the Board agreed to have the hemlock sprayed and then let the natural groundcover fill in the banks. The pond has been posted for u201cno boatingu201d and the Board discussed the fining process for anyone who violates this rule.
u00b7 A new law firm, Vial Fotheringham LLP, who specializes in homeowner associations was interviewed and hired to help with collections and legal matters.
u00b7 Irrigation u2013 DSI received many calls from homeowners this spring that the water pressure in their sprinklers was extremely low. It seems that in most of these cases, the homeowneru2019s gate valves had not been turned on. This is usually done by your individual landscaper when starting up and checking your irrigation in the spring because the valve is located 4u2019 underground and requires a special key that most homeowners do not have. This is NOT an Association expense or duty.
u00b7 Landscaping Update u2013 The remainder of the entrance plantings should be completed by this weekend. The weather played an important part in the delay as well as damaged plant material. The landscaping sign lights in the medians have been moved up under the signs and the replaced with florescent heads which will give a whiter light and use half of the electricity.
u00b7 Whiff Street Lights u2013 it seems the lack of street lights on Whiff were overlooked on the plan by the City. The City is working with the Developer to have these lights installed as planned.
u00b7 Street Lights u2013 the Board asked Alloway Lighting for a Cost Study on replacing the street lights with LED fixtures. The LED fixtures have an 11.5+ yr. life expectancy, use a little more than half of the energy and pay for themselves within 5 years. The savings over the lifetime/fixture is $1,103. The retrofit would cost $794 per fixture. The Board agreed to have 2 installed at the Oakhampton and Colchester entrances this year and budget for this retrofit next year. This would give everyone a chance to see the difference in the light.
u00b7 Villas Sign u2013 the Board is working diligently with the owners of the Villas marketing sign at the Colchester entrance to have it removed since the majority of the Villas are sold.
u00b7 CC&R Violations u2013 The Board has a strict u201c3 Strikeu201d notification/fining policy for violations of the CC&Ru2019s. The most common complaints and infractions are:
o RVu2019s/Motorhomes/Trailers parked on streets or driveways.
o Basketball hoops/tetherball stands without ARC approval.
o Trashcans left on driveway or out in sight.
o Excessive animals
u00b7 Treasurers Report u2013 Balances as of 4/30/2011
o Checking $ 67,108.08
o Reserve $135,568.52
o A/R Balance $ 9,835.15