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The Board of Directors held its first meeting on April 13 with two newly elected members, Jason Meck and Harold Amidon. The first order of business was to elect board officers.
The Banbury Meadows board of directors held its first meeting since the annual meeting on April 13. Two new members, Jason Meck and Harold Amidon, joined continuing members Lyle Capstick, Suzanne Craig and Trish Trader. The first order of business was election of officers. Craig was elected President and Meck Vice President. Trader will continue as Recording Secretary and Capstick will continue as Treasurer. Amidon will serve as member at large working on special projects.
An Architectural Review Committee was appointed by the board: Roland Desaulniers, Linda Bennett, Skip Wingfield, John Brewer and Ken Trader. Melanie Gorczyca will serve as social chairman and Dee Osborne and Annette Hall will serve as the landscaping committee for the common areas.
The board will continue to meet on the second Monday of each month at 7 pm at the sales office at Oakhampton and Mary Post. At the end of each meeting there is time for neighbor comments. If you have a specific item for the agenda contact Craig (suzannecraig@msn.com) or Shirlee (shirlee@dev-services.com) at Development Services prior to the meeting.
Find contact information for board members and committee chairmen elsewhere on this website.