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You may have been approached recently to sign a petition regarding boating on a pond in Banbury Meadows that is owned by the Association. Here is what you need to know about this issue:
You may have been approached recently to sign a petition regarding boating on a pond in Banbury Meadows that is owned by the Association. Here is what you need to know about this issue:
Banbury Meadows common area includes a pond located between Whiff Drive and Chipper Way, originally designed as an aesthetic feature for the subdivision. The water in this pond is supplied by the Warm Springs Ditch Co., is permitted for irrigation use only by the Water Resources Board and requires maintenance at the HOA’s expense, including annual algae treatments to the pond, landscaping and sprinkler system maintenance for the grassy areas on the east and west ends of the pond, and weed and erosion control of the banks. All other ponds and streams in Banbury Meadows are owned and maintained by the golf course.
History and Status Update:
When your current HOA Board took office in 2010, there were a number of outstanding complaints about the use of boats on the pond on the basis of lack of privacy, noise made by boaters, safety concerns for people on and near the water, and the distracting appearance of boats stored on the banks of the pond. The Board was also notified about noxious weeds on the banks of the pond and erosion of some areas of the banks. In addition, the Board received homeowner requests to build docks on the pond and to allow homeowners to landscape on the common area of the banks.
In order to address these complaints and requests, the Board took several steps to determine how to best resolve these matters on behalf of the entire Banbury Meadows Homeowners’ Association. Upon review of the CC&R’s it was determined boats are not to be permitted on the pond, Article 4.18, “No motorized vehicle or device shall be permitted on any waterway…” The Board was also advised by legal counsel and by the HOA’s insurance company that the HOA could be held liable for any personal injury occurring on the pond or other common areas. For these reasons, the pond is now posted, “No Boating, No Swimming, No Dumping,” and the owners of boats were required to remove them from the banks of the pond.
The Board also consulted with the USDA Soil Conservation Service to determine proper maintenance of the pond banks. As advised, noxious weeds are now controlled by the HOA’s landscaping contractor and other natural vegetation is being allowed to grow, undisturbed by pond usage, to resolve erosion problems. Requests to build structures or install landscaping on common areas have been denied in accordance with the CC&R’s (11.9). The pond is currently being maintained as an aesthetic feature as originally intended.
If you had any questions or wish additional information on these matters, please submit your requests to Shirlee@dev-services.com.
You may have been approached recently to sign a petition regarding boating on a pond in Banbury Meadows that is owned by the Association. Here is what you need to know about this issue:
You may have been approached recently to sign a petition regarding boating on a pond in Banbury Meadows that is owned by the Association. Here is what you need to know about this issue:
Banbury Meadows common area includes a pond located between Whiff Drive and Chipper Way, originally designed as an aesthetic feature for the subdivision. The water in this pond is supplied by the Warm Springs Ditch Co., is permitted for irrigation use only by the Water Resources Board and requires maintenance at the HOA’s expense, including annual algae treatments to the pond, landscaping and sprinkler system maintenance for the grassy areas on the east and west ends of the pond, and weed and erosion control of the banks. All other ponds and streams in Banbury Meadows are owned and maintained by the golf course.
History and Status Update:
When your current HOA Board took office in 2010, there were a number of outstanding complaints about the use of boats on the pond on the basis of lack of privacy, noise made by boaters, safety concerns for people on and near the water, and the distracting appearance of boats stored on the banks of the pond. The Board was also notified about noxious weeds on the banks of the pond and erosion of some areas of the banks. In addition, the Board received homeowner requests to build docks on the pond and to allow homeowners to landscape on the common area of the banks.
In order to address these complaints and requests, the Board took several steps to determine how to best resolve these matters on behalf of the entire Banbury Meadows Homeowners’ Association. Upon review of the CC&R’s it was determined boats are not to be permitted on the pond, Article 4.18, “No motorized vehicle or device shall be permitted on any waterway…” The Board was also advised by legal counsel and by the HOA’s insurance company that the HOA could be held liable for any personal injury occurring on the pond or other common areas. For these reasons, the pond is now posted, “No Boating, No Swimming, No Dumping,” and the owners of boats were required to remove them from the banks of the pond.
The Board also consulted with the USDA Soil Conservation Service to determine proper maintenance of the pond banks. As advised, noxious weeds are now controlled by the HOA’s landscaping contractor and other natural vegetation is being allowed to grow, undisturbed by pond usage, to resolve erosion problems. Requests to build structures or install landscaping on common areas have been denied in accordance with the CC&R’s (11.9). The pond is currently being maintained as an aesthetic feature as originally intended.
If you had any questions or wish additional information on these matters, please submit your requests to Shirlee@dev-services.com.
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Main HOA